Learn & earn!

Complete our dealer training modules to get closer to your customers and create an exceptional dealer delivery experience. Plus, get 90 days of free streaming on the SiriusXM app for every module you complete.

Dealer training is closed for maintenance.

Exclusive Contests

Participate in SiriusXM’s new training portal and be entered to win exclusive experiences throughout the year, including the World Series, Formula One racing, Super Bowl, and more!

Incentive-Based Training

Complete a SiriusXM training module and get 90 days of SiriusXM Streaming service. The more modules you complete the longer you will enjoy the best in audio entertainment outside the vehicle.

Enhance Your Customer's Experience

Give your customers the best in audio entertainment with the SiriusXM Platinum trial. With 150+ channels in vehicle and over 425 in the app, customers will enjoy their favourite music, anywhere.
